曈喟睻蝢舘�㯄尹 Hong-Gah Museum
��𧢲𦆮����� Open Hours 10:30-17:30嚗��曹�隡煾尹 Closed on Monday嚗�
11F., No. 166, Daye Road, Beitou District, Taipei City 11268, Taiwan
TEL 886-2-28942272儭患ww.hong-gah.org.tw
閮勗振蝬� |
�蝱�� |
HSU Chia-Wei |
Taiwan |
Marshal Tie Jia: Jingsi Village
2013, single-channel video, 10'00" |
閮勗振蝬剖�齿䲰鈭墧散�瑟�����蠘◤�箏�条�甇瑕蟮��㕑�埈���𡁶���𠉛弦���閎嚗峕��𩑈�誯�𡡞𤓖敶梯�噼���撠讛牧��䀝�卝����肽�栞�萘蔭隞亙�𠰴�嗡�𣇉�慦埝�𣂷�撱箸�见枂憭𡁜����閫���贝�鍦漲嚗䔶誑甇方�舐�僐��璈𧢲𦻖甇瑕蟮��𣬚𣶹隞��找�钅�梶���窗���𢠃閠�睻��撣乓�见肟雿𦦵頂��埈�鞉䲰��肽�枏振��諹�嗵�𠺶�屸閠�睻��撣乓�滢�钅�梶�撠滩店嚗偦閠�睻��撣亙�毺�箸郎憭瑕控��蟡䂿�������惩�见�勗�扳��諹撫頧㗇��氜��擐祉�硋�㛖姪��樴𨅯雀嚗𣬚�箔�摰峕�𣂼銁樴𨅯雀����齿�肽���嚗諹迂摰嗥雁撅閖�衤������撣乩�钅�梶����滩店�溻���𢠃閠�睻��撣伐�𡁻�𡝗�脲�㻫�讠�箝�𢠃閠�睻��撣乓�见肟雿𦦵頂��㛖�蝚砌�屸�擧挾�肟雿頣���贝赤鈭��閠�睻��撣亙枂��毺�瘙惩�矋�䔶蒂��隢衤���諹�嗵�硺縑隞唳�厩㮾��峕覔皞僐��雿��㭱�䲰���仪����罸�剔����箄�墧��号嚗諹��訜�𧑐��烐�穃�勗��銁瘙惩�䀝�𢠃�滨𣶹�惩𧂈��撽�擳𥪜��撘譌�� |
HSU Chia-Wei has keen interests in the forgotten history during the Cold War in Asia, skilled in weaving multiple view angles with film languages, fiction narratives, installations, and other materials, so as to connect and bridge the threads between history and modernity. The creative series of "Marshal Tie Jia" derives from the conversation between the artist and the frog deity Marshal Tie Jia, originally a god of Wuyi Mountains that eventually is exiled onto Turtle Island of Beigan, Mazhu due to the civil war in China. In order to finish the filming project on Turtle Island, HSU has a "conversation" with Marshal. "Marshal Tie Jua: Jingsi Village" is an artwork of phase II. The artist went to the pond where Marshal Tie Jia was born, inviting villagers and a "Nuo Dance" group that shares the same root with the frog deity and yet was banned during the Cultural Revolution in China to perform together the ancient exorcism ritual on the pond once again. |